Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tooth-holding tooth

So, as promised in my previous post, here is the result of my desire to have a non-creepy storage place for my wisdom teeth:

A plush tooth with a tooth-shaped tooth storage pocket! That's not creepy... right?
So, the story is, I got my wisdom teeth out a few weeks ago. After the good doctor removed the teeth, he suggested, nay, insisted that I take those beauties home with me. (The nurses had me promise to soak the teeth in bleach when I got home in order to clean them, which I did, because otherwise, ew.) I later found out, after talking to a few people, that it's more likely for oral surgeons to be hesitant to pass along extracted teeth than to push the matter, but that's ok- even though I hadn't thought of it, at least now I had a creative opportunity on my hands.

My lovely muses
My first thought was, ideally, I'd like to be able to somehow turn my teeth into colonies that would evolve into an advanced civilization that could then use their great technology to shrink me down to their size, in the manner of Lisa Simpson in The Genesis Tub:

Not what happened. which point they would treat me like a queen or a deity of some kind...

Also, this did not happen to me.
But since that didn't end up panning out, I bounced around a few ideas, including making a necklace, but I was pretty sure that's I'd be too lazy to bore holes in it, and even if that happened, I'd probably end up leaving it in a drawer somewhere forever. But then I thought of this cute little guy:

Adorable polar bear/kangaroo hybrid, with baby polar bear in pouch
...that I'd made from a pattern in this book:

...and I thought that a tooth with a little pouch in front would make for great tooth storage.

Tooth storage!

I tried to make the plush with the twisted roots effect of the real teeth.

So there you have it. Maybe someday I'd make some variation on this idea for potential future kid's teeth, but in that case add some sort of zipped pouch on the inside to store teeth.

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