Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Matryoshka time!

Матрёшки (Matryoshki), Russian dolls, nesting dolls... whatever you call them, you gotta admit, they're pretty adorable. I've always been fascinated by Russian dolls, and I admired them from afar when I was little (and from a-near, too, whenever I was able to get my hands on one at a friend's house and take it apart and put it back together then take it apart again, etc.) When I studied in Russia junior year of college, I brought home Russian dolls as souvenirs for nearly everyone. Then a couple of years later, I ran across this book of adorable stuffed felt toys and had to buy it, because just look at the adorableness on the cover:
At first I made the teacup sized doll (3rd from the right in topmost picture), then over the years added to the collection until it became the family above. It took me years because it took forever to hand stitch and stuff everything, and because I'd pick up and put down the project at various intervals. The littlest one is my favorite.

I've only just finished the largest one pictured above, in this project that has lasted for years. The question is, do I keep going on? I have plenty of extra felt lying around; indeed, enough to make a pillow size one à la those pillow pals that you may remember from the 80's:

...or, if you're my age, as you may better remember as DJ Tanner's pillow friend from Full House:

So, whaddya think... does the world need a pillow-sized matryoshka? 

'Til the next post, wherein I'll share my newest feltie (inspired by the little polar bear on the book cover above, and also a solution to my wisdom tooth problem)... 

1 comment:

  1. I still have little Mister felt "Sleepy Fox." :)


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